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Cat Polivoda to create a business development training program

2023-11-16 12:05 PM | Reuse Minnesota (Administrator)

Reuse Minnesota is delighted to announce that we have selected Cat Polivoda to create a business development training program for individuals interested in starting or expanding a resale-based business in Minnesota. Cat is the respected owner of Cake Plus-Size Resale, and her combination of resale and training experience, accomplishments in other roles, and passion for cultivating community make her a great choice for this role.

Cat’s training experience includes 6 years of onboarding staff and interns. She has created employee training guides, promoted ongoing development of shop skills, and developed proprietary training on outright buying for plus-size clothing resale. She previously fostered strong relationships as an instructor at a community college and as the director of growth for a media arts nonprofit. We look forward to the energy and experience Cat brings to this project!

Over the winter, a handbook and class curriculum will be developed as an ongoing resource for Reuse Minnesota and the reuse community in Minnesota. The first iteration of the training will be offered in-person in the Twin Cities metro area in Spring 2024, and will include up to 25 participants. Sessions will explore a wide variety of business themes catered to the resale/secondhand environment including business basics of resale, product procurement, and growing a resale business.

If you or someone you know is interested in participating in the training, we encourage you to apply. The application will be used to help us select a varied and diverse group of current and prospective reuse business owners for this first training series. A small stipend will be provided to those who complete the course and provide feedback through a final survey.

Be sure to sign up for our monthly newsletter to stay connected with all Reuse Minnesota has to offer! This project is funded by the State of Minnesota’s Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF).

Reuse Minnesota was founded in 2012 and is a member-based nonprofit that supports repair, resale, and rental businesses, bringing visibility to the reuse sector as a means to lower our state's impact on the environment.

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