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Forgivable loans available through COVID-19 Paycheck Protection Program

2020-04-02 12:00 PM | Anonymous

Reuse, repair and rental business owners: You are a valuable part of the reuse community and we want to help you weather this crisis.  We know that like you, your employees are invested in the circular economy so we want to share this opportunity to support you and your teams.

Consider taking advantage of the forgivable loan program to bridge your businesses and staff for the coming months through the Small Business Association Paycheck Protection Program.  Loans become available Friday, April 3, 2020 and there will be high demand.  Our local advisors recommend that you get your application to your business bank Friday or as soon as possible.

U.S. Small Business Association (SBA) Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)

Reuse Minnesota was founded in 2012 and is a member-based nonprofit that supports repair, resale, and rental businesses, bringing visibility to the reuse sector as a means to lower our state's impact on the environment.

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