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First Reuse Minnesota Mend-it Clinic a success

2024-01-09 12:23 PM | Reuse Minnesota (Administrator)

We hosted our first Mend-it Clinic and mended 38 items! Three sewing contractors taught people how to mend their rips and holes, fix zippers, darn sweaters, and more! Volunteers assisted with hand mending and members of the community shared tips and skills as they waited in line to have their items mended.

For those that had the mending skills but lacked supplies or equipment, we provided a sewing machine and notions for them to use.  

Additional Mend-it Clinics will be added to our calendar. Attend one of our clinics and learn how to mend your items! 

Sewists (L to R): Lily, Alicia, Mai


A mother and daughter mend their mittens


Volunteers assist with hand mending

Over 30 people attended the event

The clinic was made possible by funding from Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's Environmental Assistance Grant Program. We thank Old School for serving as a site host. View additional photos from the event here.

Reuse Minnesota was founded in 2012 and is a member-based nonprofit that supports repair, resale, and rental businesses, bringing visibility to the reuse sector as a means to lower our state's impact on the environment.

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